Keith William Gibson, Founding Director, Chairman
PhD, MSc, BSc
A mission driven researcher and practitioner in the field of sustainability with two decades of experience in the fields of ecology, conservation and sustainability, Keith has worked with people and animals in the wild, community halls, classrooms and conference rooms from the Canadian prairies to the Caribbean Sea. He has almost a decade of experience in Tobago and Trinidad including completion of his doctoral thesis work supporting community groups in northeast Tobago. Keith specialises in helping people from diverse backgrounds find creative and practical solutions to shared challenges, approaching his work with enthusiasm, humour, humility and a strong faith in the tremendous opportunities that human creativity can generate in face of overwhelming challenges.

Joanna Moses-Wothke, Founding Director
MSc, BSc, Tourism Educator, CHE, PMA
Joanna is a tourism professional with 15 years of academia and consultancy experience in the Caribbean. She possess an M.Sc. in Tourism Development and Management and a B.Sc. in Hospitality Management and a strong background in tourism education, research and planning, sustainable tourism development, environmental standards and management systems. Joanna held the position of Dean, Academic Services at the Tobago Hospitality and Tourism Institute for 3 years and is currently assisting the institute with strategic academic matters. She is a tourism and hospitality educator at the Associate and Bachelor degree levels and has curriculum development and teaching experience for academic and non-academic and online environments.

Internationally Joanna is the Trinidad and Tobago National Coordinator for the Blue Flag and Green Key Programmes of the Foundation for Environmental Education and acts as the CEO of Green T&T which is the national implementing NGO for these programmes. As a sustainable hospitality expert, Joanna provides expertise to resort and estate development planning teams on a managerial level.
She has worked on projects funded by the EU, UNDP, Caribbean Development Bank and government funded programmes on capacity building efforts and sustainable development of natural resources as tourism attractions since 2003. Born and raised in northeast Tobago, she is intimately familiar with the nuances of the project area and has a strong social network in the region.
Aljoscha Wothke, Founding Director, CEO
MPhil. Bio, PADI MSDT 900821, PMP, Reef Check EcoDiver Trainer
As a senior expert with broad experience in Caribbean SIDS, his main technical expertise is facilitating innovative stakeholder collaborations regarding sustainable green & blue economy, responsible tourism, protected area management, environmental resource management, marine and terrestrial conservation, and organisational capacity building.
Aljoscha served as team leader for a 3-year, EU-funded (3.5m €), community based eco-agro tourism project in Saint Lucia and for drafting the technical documents for NE Tobago’s successful nomination as a UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Reserve. He was the chief editor for drafting the dossiers to list Tobago’s Main Ridge Forest Reserve and North-East Tobago’s Islets and Reefs as Natural National Heritage Sites.

From 2020 to 2022 he was the technical lead in preparing the 10-year management plan for NE Tobago`s UNESCO MaB Biosphere Reserve (UNDP/UNEP), contracted as project manager for governance and institutional strengthening of the NE Tobago Protected Area Management Trust (IDB), and designed a regenerative tourism strategy for Union Island (Saint Vincent and the Grenadines) (FFI).
In 2021, Aljoscha received the National Environmental Achiever Green Leaf Acknowledgement by the Environmental Management Authority, Trinidad and Tobago and was appointed as a Member of the National Council for Sustainable Development of Trinidad and Tobago by the Minister of Planning and Development.
In addition, he has over 20 years of teaching experience from grassroots to tertiary education level and can look back at over 25 years as a PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer with a clean record.
Marc Jardine, Director
BSC, Executive MBA in General Management
Marc is the Vice President of Business Banking at RBC Royal Bank (Trinidad and Tobago) Limited. He leads the Business Banking unit in Trinidad and Tobago and has the responsibility of managing a team of forty-three (43) members.
Marc joined RBC in 2004 and has held various roles in RBC Merchant Bank (Caribbean) Limited, the last being the Vice President – Public Sector and Corporate Financial Advisory Services (“CFAS”). Prior to a four (4) year period outside of the financial service industry, he also held the position of Vice President – Corporate Banking (Private Sector- Trinidad). His experience in the banking / finance includes senior roles in Corporate Finance, Risk Management, Origination and Financial Analysis.
In addition to his substantial duties at RBC, Marc is also a member of the Board of Directors on a number of State and private entities, namely:
Executive Director – RBC Merchant Bank (Caribbean) Limited;
Executive Director – RBC Royal Bank (Trinidad & Tobago) Limited;
Chairman – The RBC Staff Charitable Organization;
Director - The National Export Facilitation Organization of Trinidad and Tobago (“EXPORTT”);
Director - Energy Dynamics Limited;
Executive Committee – Fatima Old Boy’s Association.

He holds a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration (Finance) with a Minor in Economics from Morehouse College as well as an Executive MBA in General Management from the Henley Business School / University of Reading.
Dulcie Furlonge, Director, Treasurer
MSc in International Finance, Project Management
Dulcie is a business consultant, artisan crafter and small business owner. She has over 18 years of experience working with Donor-funded projects from agencies such as The African, Caribbean and Pacific Group of States (ACP) / European Union (EU) –ACP/EU, and various other funding agencies. Having the primary role for administration, she was responsible for all financial management, project budgets, implementation schedules and financial reporting. Dulcie has also been part of the evaluation team which conducted project evaluations for regional Governments as well as several Caribbean regional institutions.
Dulcie is co-founder of the IT firm, HBC Services Limited which specialises in providing efficient web-based solutions for small businesses.

Additionally, Dulcie has been operating in the creative industry for over 20 years as a jewellery and fabric design artisan. Her brand, The JD Collection a play on the words "Just Dulce" meaning just sweet, features handcrafted jewellery, quirky totes, hand-painted t-shirts and chic kaftans.
Dulcie is a former board member of the Association of Female Executives of Trinidad and Tobago (AFETT) and treasurer of the Trinidad and Tobago Computer Society – she has been involved in these associations since 2001.
Nyamekye Mapp, Corporate Secretary
B.A., LL.B., L.E.C - Communication Studies, Spanish Law
Growing up and residing in Belle Garden, which is a small, rural fishing and farming community the edge of the North-east Tobago UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Reserve, Nyamekye feels strongly about conservation, livelihoods, and good governance on her home island. Being a 4th generation farmer, she has consistently advocated for the inclusion and support for youth and women in agriculture at home and within the region.
As an attorney she operates her own private practise and works as a communication specialist, and mediator while assisting various governmental and non-governmental organisations. Nyamekye has worked alongside CBOs and NGOs across the Caribbean in the review and drafting of environmental laws and regulations; as a climate actor, she pushes the envelope of policy and legislative framework.
Her multicultural, multi-ethnic, and multi-lingual experiences have fostered professional partnerships and corporate collaboration, to the embodiment of characteristics of professionalism, integrity, and service to community.Committed to the development of Tobago, Nyamekye hopes to ignite a love for these 300km2 in everyone she meets as she stands in the defense of everything Tobago and Tobagonian.