Located in the traditional fishing village of Charlotteville, Tobago, the Environmental Research Institute Charlotteville works towards sustainability for the people and ecosystems of North East Tobago.
We take an integrated ecosystem- and communities-based ridge to reef management approach.
Alongside the institute, the ERIC Dive Centre offers dive training, coral reef ecology, survey and monitoring training, and dive excursions and expeditions with marine biologists for environmentally conscientious divers.
As a not-for-profit organisation ERIC invests all proceeds in the pursuit of our mission statement.
Environmental Research Institute Charlotteville, ERIC
Man-O-War Bay Cottages, Charlotteville, Tobago, W.I.
Ph: +1-868-660-6758
Email: info@eric-tobago.org
Youtube: @erictobago
Instagram: @erictobago
Facebook: ERICharlotteville

We thank Castara Retreats for supporting the ERIC's operations as part of its Regenerative Tourism Policy